Lady Pepeta

Female condoms

Just like a male condom, when used properly, Lady Pepeta safeguards against the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. One of the main advantages of the female condom is that it can be inserted in advance of sexual intercourse thereby allowing a woman to initiate the intervention.

Lady Pepeta is supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). T-MARC Tanzania’s goal in marketing Lady Pepeta is to help reduce the prevalence of HIV in Tanzania.

Currently, the main target market for Lady Pepeta is the most at-risk populations including sex workers, barmaids, and women engaged in transactional sex. These audiences are reached primarily through interpersonal communications that focus on male and female condom demonstrations and developing condom negotiation skills.

Lady Pepeta is available through peer educators, sex workers, and barmaids who are trained to be sales agents. Outlets include Jipende hair salons as well as selected retail channels.

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