
Male Condoms

Dume is a high quality, mid-priced condom brand that delivers protection from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancies. Dume is supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

T-MARC Tanzania’s goal in marketing Dume under USAID Social Enterprise Support Activity is to help reduce the country's HIV prevalence of the general population.

Dume’s target market includes those who are most at risk of HIV infection, thereby maximizing its public health impact. These high-risk populations include mobile populations, sex workers and their clients.

Dume sales are supported using mass media communications including television, radio, print and outdoor advertising. In addition, the brand is promoted at events and through interpersonal communications at truck stops, mining sites and other high risk areas.

Dume condoms can be purchased from a wide range of outlets including pharmacies, ADDOs (Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets) bars and kiosks (retail shops).

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