Tasilo Chengula (45) is a married man living at Kifanya ward in Njombe Town
Council. Tasilo has been facing health challenges for a long time. His extended
family succumbed to the thinking and feeling that he was bewitched by their elder
brother. They once visited a witch doctor who confirmed their thinking. This situation
brought conflict among family members.
Tasilo’s health condition, continued weakening by day. He reached a point of failing
to carry out domestic activities effectively. Conflict rumors came to the attention of
Atilio Mkalawa who is a Community Health Worker (CHW) at the ward. The CHW
invited Tasilo Chengula to attend Furaha Yangu campaign small group discussions.
Tasilo was influenced and encouraged to get HIV tests at Muungano Health
Dispensary at Kifanya.
HIV test results indicated that Tasilo was HIV positive. With counseling by health
care workers at the health facility, Tasilo was enrolled for Treatment and Care
immediately. It has been almost two months since Tasilo began using ARVs. His
health condition has been improving. His ability to perform domestic activities has
been increasing. As a result, allegations of witchcraft on their elder brother have
faded away. Health knowledge has displaced witchcraft thinking.
He said” I now believe that this is a health issue and not witchcraft and I will continue
to attend clinic as scheduled”.


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