USAID TulongeAfya project participated into World Aids Day in Mwanza region. T-MARC Tanzania was represented by the Regional Social Behavioural Change Communications and Capacity Strengthening Officers(names please) respectively. The two were also the ones who coordinated the activities on behalf of T-MARC Tanzania.

The T-MARC Tanzania booth hosted Community Health Workers (CHWs) from Nyamagana District Municipal Council, who educated the members of the public on the use of FurahaYangu new toolkit that is currently used by the CHWs and Community Volunteers (CVs).

A Female Peer Champion presents SUBIRA exercise in one of the sessions during World Aids Day week activities.

The USAID TulongeAfya project moreover also included a SITETEREKI booth that specifically focused on reproductive education to youth. Two Peer Champions (Female and Male) were in the booth to attend to fellow youth in group sessions. 

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