On the 7th of Dec 2024, the Mwembe Yanga Grounds in Temeke, Dar es Salaam, came alive with the vibrant energy of over 500 youth participating in a Sports and Physical Activities Bonanza organized by the USAID Kijana Nahodha Project in collaboration with USAID’s Tanzania Department of Defense (DOD) and the Civil Military Department. The event aimed to promote physical and mental well-being among youth through engaging activities, showcasing the transformative power of sports in fostering health and community spirit.

The bonanza was a melting pot of fun and fitness, with activities ranging from soccer and netball games to running, tug-of-war, dancing competitions, and professional physical exercises. This collaboration highlighted the unique technical expertise of the DOD and Civil Military Department in empowering youth through structured, professionally guided fitness activities.

Youth at the event had access to mental health support provided by the USAID Kijana Nahodha Tanzmed app team, who offered guidance on managing stress, anxiety, and overall mental well-being. Additionally, healthcare providers from Temeke district delivered Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR) education, equipping youth with essential knowledge to make informed decisions about their health and future.

Adam, a representative from the Civil Military Department, emphasized the broader significance of the event, stating, "Physical fitness is not just about the body, it is a foundation for mental resilience and emotional well-being. Today, we are not only building strong bodies but also stronger, more confident young individuals who are better equipped to face life's challenges."

Dr. Tulli, the Chief of Party for the project, echoed. "Sports bring people together, teach discipline, and build teamwork," she said during the event. "This partnership with the Department of Defense and the Civil Military Department underscores the value of leveraging diverse expertise to empower our youth. Today, we are fostering leadership, fitness, and a sense of community, all integral to the Kijana Nahodha vision."

For Amina, a participant in the netball game, the event was both a challenge and an inspiration. "Netball has always been my passion, but today was special," she shared with a smile. "I learned new techniques and got to meet so many other young people who share my skills. It wasn’t just about winning—it was about building connections and having fun together."

The Bonanza also featured a dynamic dancing competition that drew cheers from the crowd, along with tug-of-war contests that highlighted the participants' teamwork and strength. The DOD trainers introduced professional exercise routines that taught participants effective ways to maintain fitness and mental health.

“My dream is to become one of the most prominent businessmen in Tanzania,” declares 19-year-old Joachim Kavishe, during a roundtable discussion with the US Ambassador to Tanzania, Dr. Michael Battle Sr., on Monday, June 5th, 2023. “After failing my Form 4 exams, I thought my life was over, but now I have renewed hope.” Joachim is referring to the educational support he has received from the USAID Kijana Nahodha project.

Joachim is taking tailoring classes at the Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO). He says, “I was motivated to select the tailoring course because I see it as a clear path to making quality local products for export and creating employment for fellow young people.” Joachim is one of the 284 (169 female, 115 male) marginalized youth living in Dar es Salaam who have been enrolled in Vocational Training (VT) programs through the support of Kijana Nahodha. These young people were selected from a pool of over 2,700 applicants through a rigorous vetting process in collaboration with Local Government Authorities (LGAs), and are now receiving varying levels of support to ensure their academic success.

Youth in a roundtable discussion with the US Ambassador to Tanzania.

“Me and my four siblings are orphaned and live alone. I was 19 years old when I stopped going to school. Before I started this food processing course I was just in the streets,” says 22-year-old Christabela Milanzi. She concludes by saying, “I am excited to follow my passion for baking; this opportunity will change my life, and help me transition to the next stage of life.”

Aisha Ramadhani, 22, (left) and Mawazo Saidi, 23, (right) during the roundtable discussion with the US Ambassador to Tanzania

While the life circumstances that have lead youth like Joachim and Christabela to halt their educational journeys are different, Kijana Nahodha hopes to offer knowledge and skills that make economic opportunities accessible, becoming self-aware possible and improving their physical and mental wellbeing inevitable for all, reaching 45,000 young people in the next four years. Upon course completion, all young people receiving educational support, will be provided with startup kits as capital for starting their entrepreneurial journeys. Additionally, the project will connect youth to market opportunities, help them brand their businesses, and receive coaching and mentorship.

Female refugees, being hosted at Nduta and Nyarugusu camps in Kigoma region, have benefited from a sensitization campaign on reproductive health, thanks to the initiative by T-MARC Tanzania. According to T-MARC Tanzania, the aim of conducting the sensitization programme was to support the Ministry of Home Affairs through Public Private Partnership (PPP) in providing the refugees and the underprivileged with education and health products. Quality reproductive health services are essential to the wellbeing of refugees and other persons of concern, the Non-Governmental Organization insisted The campaign which kicked off on June 20th and ran up to June 24th, 2022 involved provision of education to the female refugees and distribution of reproductive health commodities-Flexi P for every female of reproductive age in both camps.



Flexi P Oral Contraceptive Pills offer women a convenient, reliable and affordable short-term modern family planning method said Tumaini Kimasa, T-MARC Tanzania’s Managing Director. They are widely available across Tanzania and can be used by women to choose to prevent pregnancy-whether they want to delay the onset of childbirth or for child spacing. . T-MARC Tanzania’s goal in marketing Flexi P is to contribute to attaining 42 percent contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) among women of reproductive age in Tanzania by 2023 . “In line with one of our objectives of increasing access to priority health products, we visited the refugee camps in Kigoma to conduct reproductive health education, including distributing reproductive health commodities,” Kimasa said.



“The United Nation High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR calls for support from stakeholders in ensuring that everyone, no matter when and where, has the opportunity to maintain good sexual and reproductive health. This is one of the reasons that prompted T-MARC Tanzania to chip in by providing education to the female refugees in reproductive age, including distributing reproductive health commodities,” Kimasa added.



The Sustainable Development Goal 3 reflects concrete ambitions to improving sexual and reproductive health worldwide, including in humanitarian and refugee settings. According to T-MARC Tanzanian, access to quality sexual and reproductive health services plays a vital role in the well-being of a human being and is particularly relevant for people living in a situation of forced displacement. Recently, T-MARC Tanzania delivered 76,000 cycles of oral contraceptives to the Ministry of Health in Zanzibar. Apart from distributing contraceptives, T-MARC Tanzania addresses pertinent health issues in reproductive health, family planning, maternal health, child survival, water and sanitation, nutrition and communicable/non-communicable infections like malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, Covid-19 and cervical cancer.


Tanzanian women and girls particularly in the rural areas lack knowledge and facilities to manage their menstrual wellbeing. Many girls eventually choose to drop out school due to poor access to water, sanitation and hygienic materials required to help them manage their menstruation. “T-MARC Tanzania works in close collaboration with the Government, development organization, the private sector and other implementing partners to improve access to education and products related to healthy menstruation. These programs include implementing menstrual hygiene management and sexual reproductive health education in schools and social marketing of “Flowless” sanitary pads” said Mr. Tumaini Kimasa, the Managing Director of T-MARC Tanzania.



'On Menstrual Hygiene Week, T-MARC Tanzania is advocating for increased access to menstrual education for girls to address myth, misconceptions, and taboos surrounding menstruation. “We also believe in the importance of involving men and boys as change agents in ending menstrual stigma,” said Mr. Kimasa.


During the peak day on 28th May, T-MARC Tanzania visited People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) teen clubs at Iringa Regional Referral Hospital (Iringa) and Likombe health center in Mtwara where they met with adolescents living with HIV. Furthermore, T-MARC visited Nanungu secondary school Ruvuma, Tandika primary school in Mtwara, and Likotwa and Rahaleo primary schools, and Mkonge and Angaza secondary schools in Lindi. T-MARC met with students and teachers to discuss menstrual hygiene. During these visits, T-MARC advocated for menstrual hygiene facilities particularly clean water, changing rooms and affordable sanitary pads to enable girls and women to manage menstruation effectively and with privacy.


About T-MARC Tanzania Committed to serving the health needs of Tanzania’s underserved and most vulnerable populations, T-MARC is a fully independent and locally managed non-governmental organization (NGO) specializing in social marketing and social and behavior change communication. Proud of its status as one of Tanzania’s largest NGOs governed and managed solely by Tanzanians, T-MARC


On May 2022, T-MARC’s SBCC Manager, Godfrey Mwanakulya and Gender and Youth Manager, Abubakar Rehani attended the National Launch of the ‘USAID Afya Yangu’ program in Dodoma on behalf of the Executive Director, Tumaini Kimasa. The five-year Comprehensive Client-Centered Health Program aims to address health services delivery for HIV, tuberculosis, family planning, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, & adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Tanzania. T-MARC Tanzania is a consortium partner in the implementation of the USAID Afya Yangu – Southern Program (HIV/TB) funded by the American People through USAID aiming at supporting the Government of Tanzania’s (GOT) Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) and the President’s Office- Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) at the central level and in target southern regions (Morogoro, Iringa, Njombe, Ruvuma, Mtwara, and Lindi to deliver high quality integrated HIV and TB prevention care and treatment services that will improve health outcomes, particularly for youth and children.



Gender and Youth Manager, Abubakar Rehani front left on behalf of Executive Director together with Prime Minister Hon. Kassim Majaliwa, Minister of Health Hon. Ummy Mwalimu and other Executive Directors and Chiefs of part

USAID Afya Yangu HQ Staff 



Prime Minister, US Ambassador, Minister of Health, USAID Mission Director, and RC Dodoma


T-MARC Tanzania delivered 76,000 cycles of oral contraceptives to the Ministry of Health, Zanzibar. The consignment was received by Hon. Hassan Khamis Hafidh Deputy Minister of Health Zanzibar. During the ceremony the Deputy Minister Hassan expressed his sincere appreciations to T-MARC Tanzania for their support and effort in supporting health sector in Zanzibar. " More efforts now should be based on educating people on advantages and disadvantages on the use of contraceptives, and its significance in improving community lives" Deputy Minister said. He also went through to insist T-MARC Tanzania and other players to support the government in its efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality rate in the country.



'This is one of the things which pains me a lot witnessing death of pregnant women or children during the delivery, our societies need to be educated about reproductive health to avert these deaths". Says the Deputy Minister Hassan. On their part The Managing Director of T- MARC Tanzania Tumaini Kimasa said this initiative is part of T-MARC Tanzania’s efforts in increasing access to priority health products in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

He also asked the Government to strengthen Partnership with the health sector Implementing Partners and other stakeholders including non-state actors as they support and complement the Government’s role to improve health and social development to people and communities. "Private Public Partnership” must be increased in order to complement health efforts going forward and positively impact our society " Since 2004 T-MARC Tanzania has been operating in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar and as one of Tanzania’s largest NGOs governed and managed solely by Tanzanians, employs bold and dynamic approaches to expanding access to health products and improving lives.


And among its services marketed products and behaviour change communication initiatives address pertinent health issues in reproductive health, family planning, child survival, water and sanitation, nutrition and communicable/non-communicable infections like malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and cervical cancer.

T-MARC Tanzania has also promoted other product categories - branded and non-branded including anti malaria drugs, Zinc, ORS, Water disinfectants in collaboration with other partners.


T-MARC Tanzania is dedicated to improving public health and the well-being of all Tanzanians. This is accomplished by forming and maintaining strong partnerships with the community as well as other civil society organizations to ensure that all Tanzanians have access to affordable and high-quality services and products..

To achieve this goal, T-MARC Tanzania in supporting Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) efforts, distributed its social enterprise products during the foundation launching event on 19th February, and as T-MARC Tanzania, its thrilled to see how the social enterprise products can impact many more lives in Zanzibar.


Member of the Board of the Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) Dr. Mwatima Abdalla Juma talking to students of Ben Bella Girls School on behalf of the Chairperson of the Institute who is also the wife of the President of Zanzibar Mama Maryam Mwinyi when they arrived at the school to provide Flowless sanitary pads to the school girls.



Member of the Board of Institutions of Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) Dr. Mwatima Abdalla Juma, presenting on behalf of the wife of the President of Zanzibar who is also the chairperson of ZMBF mama Maryam Mwinyi a box of Flowless sanitary pads to the president of students government BenBella Girls School Anna Adam Noah, when she arrived for her visit at the school.



Member of the Board of Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) Dr. Mwtima Abdalla Juma, presenting on behalf of the ZMBF chairperson mama Maryam Mwinyi Smiley baby diapers, to Director General of Mnazimmoja Hospital Dr. Marijan Msafiri for children born in the hospital as their support and contribution to the community.

The Director General of Mnazimjoja Hospital Marjani Msafiri giving a word of thanks to the Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation soon after receiving Smiley baby diapers for the babies born at the hospital.

Member of the Board of Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) Dr. Mwtima Abdalla Juma, presenting on behalf of the ZMBF chairperson who is also the wife of the President of Zanzibar, mama Maryam Mwinyi a box of Flowless sanitary pads to the head of female students SP Tunda Omari Kingalu for Prisons Training College female students.

Director of the Zanzibar Widows' Institute Tabia Makame, speaking briefly at the handover ceremony of Flowless sanitary pads that are distributed by T-MARC Tanzania from ZMBF for female psychiatric patients at the Kidongo Chekundu Psychiatric Hospital in Zanzibar.

Board member of Zanzibar Maisha Bora Foundation (ZMBF) Dr. Mwtima Abdalla Juma, presenting Flowless sanitary pads box to Hashim Abdalla, who is a patient undergoing psychiatric treatment at the Kidongo Chekundu Psychiatric Hospital, on behalf of the ZMBF chairperson who is also the wife of the President of Zanzibar mama Maryam Mwinyi.

T-MARC Tanzania, a key partner of the government in addressing critical gaps in HIV/AIDS response, has proved their worth in the fight against the pandemic during a one-week exhibition that started on the 24 th November here in Ruandansolwe Stadium, Mbeya and ends today when the world commemorates World Aids Day.

T-MARC Tanzania is one of the key partners of the Tanzanian government and international donors and implementing partners, working closely to achieve Tanzania’s vision of “End inequalities. End AIDS. End epidemics”.

T-MARC is a locally managed, non-governmental organization with strong local and international partnerships based on programs that ensure accessible, affordable, and quality health related services and products among communities. The organization operates on both the Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. T-MARC is mandated to make sustainable health and social impact on the lives of Tanzanians through the application of core competencies in social marketing, communication, project management and partnership. Envisioned to be the Centre of Excellence for sustainable health development with capacity to overcome obstacles for the wellbeing of communities in Tanzania, T-MARC provides quality services and health products for disease prevention, through innovative interventions and partnership to address key social and economic challenges – thereby contributing to the wellbeing of targeted communities in Tanzania.

T-MARC in its social responsibility spanning almost to two decades, has evolved into one of Tanzania’s largest and fully independent NGO.

T-MARC deploys bold and innovative approaches to expanding access to health products as well as informing and changing health behaviours. T-MARC successfully expanded its health portfolio to work on a wide range of health issues, including HIV/AIDS, TB, reproductive health, family planning, nutrition, Malaria, and water and sanitation. T-MARC’s core focus is social marketing, social and behavior change communication, while expanding beyond HIV/AIDS and reproductive health to address new health and development priorities, including child survival, malaria, nutrition, and water and sanitation, and girl’s empowerment.

During the one-week exhibition, T-MARC was able to afford the people of Mbeya and Tanzania in general to access their quality but affordable products an act that has been received by Tanzanian with gratitude since funds accrued from the sales is rolled back towards communal projects.

In their kiosk, T-MARC has been providing Dume condom and sanitary pads besides training all stakeholders on how to use and store the products till in gets to the consumer.

T-MARC understands the Government of Tanzania’s HIV/AIDS priorities as well as the key challenges to be addressed among its target audiences. For Tanzania’s generalized HIV epidemic, the primary mode of transmission is through heterosexual activity, which accounts for 80% of all HIV infections. T-MARC works on a wide range of HIV/AIDS activities, ranging from male and female condom promotion, targeted social and behavior change (SBC) activities for most-at-risk populations, training of peer educators on condom negotiation and correct condom use, and promotion of HIV testing and treatment services.

T-MARC’s Condom Social Marketing Program Over the past 14 years T-MARC has been promoting access to, correct and consistent use of quality and affordably priced condoms through Dume male. T-MARC’s Dume male condom initiative comprising three variants, Dume Classic condoms, Dume Desire condoms and Dume Extreme condoms, target people from different age and socio-economic groups with special focus on youth and most at risk population.

T-MARC has sold and distributed about 60 million male condoms during the past five years.

Tanzania’s fourth Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, which runs between 2017 and 2022, aims to increase access to integrated prevention services for the general population to reduce new HIV infections. Significant progress has been made in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission in the past few years in Tanzania. The Tanzanian government also recognizes condom promotion as an integral part of its fight against the epidemic. Additionally, while Tanzania has a broad sex education curriculum, low access to adolescent-friendly services, gender inequality, HIV-related stigma, and the criminalization of certain groups, such as men who have sex with men, continue to act as major barriers to HIV prevention in Tanzania.

Former President of Tanzania, Dr. Jakaya Kikwete Visits T-MARC Pavilion during the state- of -the- art Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre (JNICC) from 17th to 19th November 2021 in Dar es Salaam. Left is Lilian Erasmus , The Tmarc Institutional Sales Executive.

T-MARC is a key partner of the Tanzanian government, working closely to achieve Tanzania’s vision of “End inequalities. End AIDS. End epidemics”. As a locally managed, non-governmental organization, T-MARC is mandated to make sustainable health and social impact on the lives of Tanzanians through the application of core competencies in social marketing, communication, project management and partnership. T-MARC provides quality services and health products for disease prevention, through innovative interventions and partnership to address key social and economic challenges - thereby contribute to the wellbeing of targeted communities in Tanzania.

T-MARC works on a wide range of HIV/AIDS activities. T-MARC has been promoting access to, correct and consistent use of quality and affordably priced condoms through Dume male condoms. T-MARC’s Dume male condom initiative comprising three variants, Dume Classic condoms, Dume Desire condoms and Dume Extreme condoms, target people from different age and socio-economic groups with special focus on youth and most at risk population. T-MARC has sold and distributed about 60 million male condoms during the past five years. In 2021, the Measuring Access and Performance (MAP) Survey, conducted to assess access and availability of priority health products, indicated that while overall condoms were stocked in less than 50 percent of the retail and wholesale outlets, Dume Classic led the condom market with 38 percent availability in the outlets. Dume condoms had the second highest market share of 32 percent. T-MARC distributes its condoms and other products to almost the entirety of mainland regions through 66 regional distributors spread across 20 regions which serve nearby regions as well with a focus on four high volume regions of Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza, and Mbeya. T-MARC has also continued to increase access to condoms and other priority health products through onboarding of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in the Lake zone as distributors. Recruitment of these ADDOs further increases access to products in remote areas. T-MARC uses social media, radio and TV promoting Dume range of condoms.

Early Sexual Debut is a major cause of HIV spread. T-MARC’s Families Matter Program focused on reducing risky sexual behaviour among adolescents including delayed sexual debut, consequently reducing HIV infection rates and early pregnancy among school children. The project improved parenting skills and family communication about risk reduction and other sex-related topics before adolescents begin sexual activity. T-MARC also implemented an innovative initiative Girls Empowerment – Hakuna Wasichoweza, to strengthen school attendance and educational performance of young girls in the Mtwara and Lindi regions where school dropout and truancy rates are high. The project provided low-cost sanitary pads to 10,000 young girls in and out of school to help them manage menstruation and improve their school attendance and performance. It also helped to increase the HIV prevention knowledge levels of adolescent girls to delay the onset of sexual debut and to reduce high risk sexual behaviours to reduce teenage pregnancies, school dropouts and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.

Mothers with their children during mother meet up event in Sengerema DC. The event is aiming on empowering parents and caregivers with the information, motivation, skills and support (peer & community) that they need to adopt and maintain priority health behaviours that will protect the health and overall wellbeing of their child/children from birth through to 5 years, focusing on the first 1,000 days.

Similarly, high multiple partner sex and non-use of condoms despite risks in stable and casual heterosexual relationships is yet another major source of spread of the virus. T-MARC through Universal HIV and AIDS Intervention for Counselling and Testing project, to complemented on-going Voluntary Counselling and Testing activities in Tanzania by conducting targeted outreach among the most at-risk populations (MARPS) and the underserved communities. T-MARC developed and managed outreach activities, interpersonal communications, printed educational materials, and the training of civil society organizations to demonstrate correct use of male and female condoms, handle stigma and discrimination, work with government counselling and testing centres and other topics that facilitate the delivery of these important services. Additionally, T-MARC implemented HUSIKA Project to reduce HIV incidence in Tanzania among MARPS and their sexual partners by strengthening enabling environment at national, regional, and district levels and improving access to high quality medical and nonmedical support services. Lastly, under Tulonge Afya project, T-MARC focuses its efforts on behaviour change at the district and community level. The project catalyses Tanzanians to improve their health status by transforming socio-cultural norms and supporting the adoption of healthier behaviours. The project has implemented targeted mass media, strategic social media, community radio programs, theatre, and small group dialogue sessions with PLHIV. The project has managed to reach a total of 1,609,460 in this intervention.

T-MARC adopts integrated approach by addressing HIV/AIDS with other critical health issues like Tuberculosis and Family Planning. T-MARC’s SBC activities include national and regional radio programming, linked to community-level activities (small group dialog, community radio, and community theatre) to drive the uptake of HIV testing, as well as engagement in prevention of mother to child transmission services, among pregnant women, as well as promoting antenatal care attendance, facility-based delivery, and postnatal care, which can support reduced mother-to-child transmission as well as early infant diagnosis. Additionally, T-MARC also promote completion of childhood immunization schedules and TB testing targeting higher risk groups and regions throughstrategic use of national and regional radio linked to community-level activities.

T-MARC collaborates with National Commission for People Living with HIV/AIDS (NACOPHA) to increase the uptake of care and treatmentservices among PLHIV, their partners, and biological children to bridge 95-95-95 testing and treatmentgaps across PEPFAR-supported high volume sites. The project engaged and trained 148 NACOPHA’streatment advocates to facilitate small group sessions and targeted community mobilization on the importance of index testing, partner disclosure among PLHIV, as well as tracing and linking LTFU clients back to services. This was done across 23 PEPFAR high volume facilities in the regions of Iringa, Njombe and Tabora reaching 42,937 PLHIV with multiple SBC sessions and ensuring 2,545 lost follow-up clients returning to care and treatment services.

Ibrahim Mgunda Community volunteer from Upuge ward (Uyui DC) facilitating male centered design activity (Kijiwe cha Kahawa small group session) with men who have partners who are pregnant or those with children under five at Upuge Centre.

Under USAID Tulonge Afya project, T-MARC engages the faith-based leaders as key Furaha Yangu advocates to drive the adoption of priority preventative, HTS, and care and treatment behaviors among hard-to-reach at-risk groups, including men.

Only 52% of Tanzanians who are HIV-positive know their status. While there is need to heighten risk perception and perceived benefits of knowing HIV status, it is critical to promote condom use until the status is known, and simultaneously explore the potential of promoting HIV self-test kits for private and confidential use. In 2022 T-MARC will launch an oral based self-HIV testing kit in drive to support the Government efforts to achieve global HIV Prevention targets. Basically the 95-95-95.

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