In support of the current National Malaria Control Plan (2015-2020), T-MARC, with support from the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and the President’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), facilitated the training of 72 Community Health Workers (CHWs) based in Shinyanga and Simiyu Regions under the “BadilisahaTabia, Tokomeza Malaria” Project (BTTM), funded by the Comic Relief and GSK partnership.
CHWs were trained over a 4 day period in December 2019, in bio-larviciding as a means to provide additional human resources for the target districts of Ushetu, Bariadi DC and Busega DC for bio-larviciding activities as part of the malaria vector control initiatives. CHWs were trained in identifying mosquito breeding sites, identifying larvae for the Anopheles mosquito, types of biolarvicides available in country, calculating amounts of biolarvicides required and spraying techniques.
Biolarviciding is part of the Integrated Malaria Vector Control (IMVC) complementing distribution of ( Long-lasting insecticidal nets) LLINs, Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and cleaning environments which are suitable for mosquito breeding.
T-MARC also facilitated the launch of regional biolarviciding initiatives which were graced by the Regional Administrative Secretaries (RAS), Regional and District Medical Officers (RMOs & DMOs), District Executive Directors (DEDs), Regional and District Malaria Focal Persons (RMIFPs & DMIFPs). Representatives from NMCP and PORALG were also present including heath officers from district and ward levels.